Announcements in Conferences – Workshops:
First presentation of the Network at the 10th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML) held in Chania in May 2018.
Presentation of the Network at a workshop held on 8 October 2018 (Koventarios Library of Kozani)
Participation in the 24th Panhellenic Conference of Academic Libraries (1-2 November 2018 at TEI of Larissa)
Official presentation of the Network at a workshop held at the Greek Chamber of Shipping on 17 December 2018, titled : “ ΔΙ.ΝΑΥ.ΒΙ: Συμμαχία Γνώσης στο ναυτιλιακό χώρο" (MarLiNet: Knowledge partnership in the maritime field ). In particular, a presentation of the individual libraries was presented, with a reference to the objectives and dynamics of the Network, as well as the main aim of the relevant discussion on the needs and expectations of the Maritime Community by the Network. During the workshop, a questionnaire was distributed in printed and electronic form to the attending representatives of the Maritime World, in order to record their individual needs and expectations from the operation of the Network. It preceded the design of the invitation, poster and application form (sent to be completed by them when stating they will attend).
Participation in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), held in Athens in August 2019, specifically from 24.8 to 30.8.2019. It was preceded by a proposal to create a special section of Nautical and Maritime Libraries in IFLA.
MarLinet was presented at the poster session creating a banner, poster and bookmarks to promotethe Network at the conference
Inter-borrowing of printed material (books and articles)
Design and construction of a common website (in the final stage of enriching the relevant information and sources)
Recording by the network members of thematic fields and categories covering shipping issues in a single directory, with the ultimate purpose of creating an electronic tool for searching and identifying the relevant sources of the members. Additionally recording the applications and technical features of the Network libraries' databases.
Publications - Press Releases:
The presentation of the Network was reported in the journal press and specifically:
- For the participation of the Network at the 10th International Conference in the magazine:
- Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. QQML e-journal. A Library Network is born across the sea (ISSN: 2241-1925) (QQML e-journal), Vol 8, No 1, 2019, March.
- For the workshop organized by the Network in the Greek Chamber of Shipping:
- «Ναυτικά Χρονικά» (Naftika Chronika) Ισχύς εν τη ενώσει για τις ναυτικές βιβλιοθήκες της χώρας In 18.12.2018
- The magazine «Περίπλους Ναυτικής Ιστορίας» (Periplous) published by Hellenic Maritime Museum , issue 105, 2018
- Ισχύς εν τη ενώσει για τις ναυτικές βιβλιοθήκες της χώρας 19.12.2018
- e-Nautilia « ΔΙ.ΝΑΥ.ΒΙ: Συμμαχία Γνώσης στο ναυτιλιακό χώρο»
- Portnet - « ΔΙ.ΝΑΥ.ΒΙ: Συμμαχία Γνώσης στο ναυτιλιακό χώρο » 12.12.2018
- Newspaper « Κοινωνική: Δίκτυο Ναυτιλιακών Βιβλιοθηκών ΔΙ.ΝΑΥ.ΒΙ.» 7.1.2019
- The newspaper «Η ΦΩΝΗ ΤΩΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΤΩΝ» 28.12.2018
- The Sea Nation 11.12.2018
- WISTA Newsletter of 2018. WISTA Hellas - News & Events 3rd Quarter 2018
- IFLA WLIC Newsletter February 2019 "A LibraryNetwork born across the sea: MarLiNet"